
Friday, December 24, 2010


Some say options.
Some say choices.
We opt.
We choose.
We prefer.

Und hallo guys.
This is a post about..
The title explains it all.

Is there anything to say?
Recent things happen made me wanted to post this.
Partly annoyed.
I won't show.
I just feel.

So what IS preferrance?
Say, you play a game.
There should (must actually) be an 'option' at the menu.
Graphic settings,
Aspect ratios,
Anti Aliasing,
V Sync,

It's basically what we prefer having or using.
Or seeing,
Or believing.
But why am I talking about this?
It's because some people do not understand,
On how to respect others' preferences.
People criticize you for using your options.
Here's an analogy.

"I don't like to listen to metal songs. They suck." - Example.
I don't mind if you say you do not listen to metal songs.
But saying they suck portrays disrespect towards me.
How about if I say.
"I don't like you. You suck."?? - Me, Yes me.
You probably won't mind me telling I don't like you being you.
So what right?
You suck pushed the limit.
I might get hit after that.
See the point.
It's all about respect.

Even if you are not satisfied it doesn't mean you should sound them out aloud.
Some people might not care, true.
But most people do.
So, respect others point of view.
You have no effing right to stop their freedom of speech, their personal thoughts, and their chosen paths.

Do not misunderstand me though.
It's not wrong to tell anyone if they mess up or did something bad.
But never criticize it so badly.
We are born here,
In a place full of courtesy and hospitality.
It's nothing wrong if a guy plays the Sims 3, or talks to himself, or talks to cats.
I play the game, I talk to myself, I talk to cats.
People call me sissy, people call me crazy, and people call me illogical.
I don't care,
As long as they don't add insults along.
I'm all good now.
At least it's what I thought.
People always say
"I don't care" - When people tell them to not care where actually they care about it.
And probably that's all I wanted to crap.
Until then,
Actually It's been awhile since I talk something philosophical.
And sorry for the colourless, bold-less, italic-less, cancel-less, and underlined-less (if these words exist), I'm a bit too lazy now (I did blacken the whole thing), but anyways enjoy. =)
"Mena sik?"


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